Saturday, 24 May 2014

Expectant Prayer - Guest Writer

Welcome to The Bible For Women Blog! 
Please enjoy this writing from a lovely young lady who is super inspiring, she is called Lauren Smith.

Hello Sisters!!
My name is Lauren Smith. I am 24 years old. I live in Sacramento, California. I have a 3 year old son name Jaden. I love to teach women of all ages about God and the Bible! I am lauching a modest clothing line this summer called Adorning Grace! You can find me on Instagram @AdorningGrace_ (don’t forget the underscore)!

I’m excited to talk to you ladies today about praying in expectation!

Expectant prayer (or prayer in general for that matter) is not about what you say to God, or how you say it. It is about 1 thing . . . and that’s faith.

Having faith and trusting God is the very foundation of prayer.
 I’m sure having faith while praying seems very simple and obvious to many of you but there are so many times that we pray to God but think to ourselves “Oh, that’s never going to happen” or “God’s not going get me out of this situation, I’ve been this way for too long”.

When we think those thoughts we are letting God know that we do not expect Him to not think He can, give us what we ask.  James 1:6 tells us, “. . . when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.”
When we pray to God but don’t fully expect Him to come through for us, we will give up and lose hope at any sign of trouble.

Ladies, we are women of God! We walk by faith, not by what we see! We have to remember WHO we are praying to and WHAT He has promised us. God -- Creator of Heaven and Earth. He spoke this very world into existence. . . He is more than capable to answer your prayers! When we pray, we must KNOW that our prayers will be answered. Does God always say yes? No. Does God always answer prayers? YES!
God has the birds’ eye view on your life. When you pray, even if the answer is no, God is STILL working on your behalf. All things are working for your good because God has had your life planned out from day 1. Psalm 139 tells us that God had everyday of our lives written out before any came to be! Meaning, God knows what will happen tomorrow, next week, next year, and so on. If you lose your job tomorrow, God already knows, if you get that last minute call that you got the job you’ve been praying about, God already knew it was coming! So imagine how God feels when He has promised to take care of us, but we constantly doubt Him when we pray?

I love what God tells us in Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

And also, Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

From these we know that God has good things planned for us!
Meditate on these scriptures. Memorize them. Keep them in your heart.

There were times in my life where everything looked hopeless. But I kept my faith in God no matter what my situation looked like. And you know what? God carried me through! The answer wasn’t always exactly what I prayed for but it was perfect.

In 2008, I was 18 years old working in retail and my car was giving out on me, it was a problem that took way too much money to fix. I prayed to God, and told Him, “Lord, I need a new car. I don’t see how I will get through this situation but I KNOW you will take care of me” I didn’t just say it. I truly believed it. I expected God to help me.
Exactly 2 weeks before my car completely gave out. A woman crashed in the back of my car-totaling it. Now I’m thinking oh great, I’m out of a car sooner than I expected, but I still had peace in my heart and expected God to take care of me.  I had basic car insurance at the time so I got a check for $1500. I was grateful because I could at least afford a down payment on a new car. 

My dad and I came across a used car dealership and the salesman offered to give me a 2001 Ford Taurus in great condition for $1500 even- with no tax! It didn’t hit me until later that I had just gotten a car for free! If that lady never hit my car, I would not have gotten the $1500 that paid for my new one.

Initially, my situation went from bad to worse. But in the midst of that I kept my eyes on God, and my faith strong. I expected God to deliver me and He did! I have more and more stories like this that I wish I could share with you right now, but we’ll save that for another time =]

Sister, no matter what your situation looks like, no matter what your vision in life is, no matter how big your dreams are look to God to help you. Expect him to see you through.  Worry about nothing, Pray about everything!

 So, pray in confidence that God hears you! Expect Him to answer! Have faith and trust that no matter what the answer is ALL things in your life- the good, bad, the trials & hardships. ALL work together for your good, because of God’s love for you.

I am so happy I got to share with you gals today! & I pray that this touched at least one person! Have a great day!!!


Lauren Rachel =]

I would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU! AMEN! Isn't Lauren a prayer and preacher warrior! Love it! Thank you my lovely for taking this opportunity to write a guest blog! You have put a huge smile on at least one persons face! 

 If any one would like to write a guest blog feel free to email me on

or Twitter or Instagram @bibleblogwomen

Have a very blessed day! 
Here are some scriptures on expecting from God which I personally picked out which help me in my day to day routines.

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