Monday, 2 December 2013

Introduction : Christianity is a battle, not a dream - Wendell Phillips.

Hi Girls!
This blog will hopefully inspire, encourage and aid girls who need help and support.
Some people think being a christian is easy and following gods commands are a piece of cake... being a christian myself, know that becoming a christian is a challenge. 

When you become a christian after years of being brought up in a non christian family, it's hard making that commitment and change to your life but it is so worth it!!! 

I have went though a range of different problems from the moment I lost family members to then the time I decided to follow Christ and give my life to him, to then following God and obeying his commands and also being attacked by the devil.

In this blog I will share some key points which will help christian girls going through problems of their own. Girls if you have a problem or baggage that you just cant carry any more, I will be sharing some amazing scripture and helpful messages throughout the time I write this blog. 

Girls! You are beautiful daughters of a creator who cares so deeply for you, that he sent his only son to die for you! This blog is to help and show you girls in bible who relate to your lives and scripture that is relevant to you and what your going through. 

Jessica Adams 

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