Hey everyone today I want to share with you a little advice and a little testimony.
Basically I've had depression, I've had panic anxiety attacks I've been through it all, triggered by loss and grief. But after I recovered from the dark times, I had a great few years, I found Christ! It wasn't easy I still had sad lonely days but doesn't everyone? But today I am here to tell you that even though I am healed by the Lord, I still have days where I feel broken, where I feel like nothing and know one can help me, I feel hopeless and alone. And I'm here to tell you instead of saying I'm broken say I'm okay! Because you are! We are! We were not created to be broken in our faith, therefore we have to plant ourselves deeper in the Lord and just reply on him and his word.
To be broken is not your calling and it's definitely not your status in life. We are called for so much more and trust me when I say this, it's not easy to defeat depression, I know because I recovered 2 years ago and I know it's trying to make a comeback, but I am strong in my faith and I know it's the devil knocking on my door but he has already stirred my relationships up and I'm loosing important people to me, and I say no more! I rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus. Today rebuke him! Tell him I am child of the Lord and you can't steal that relationship from me, you aren't stealing anything from me, my joy, my peace, my security, my life. No it's not going to happen!
I woke up today feeling low and had an argument with someone very close to me and I honestly felt so alone and so broken but I went out tried to keep my head up and when I got home I slumped back down and while crying I realised and asked myself why am I crying? This is a lesson Jesus is going to use in the future for others, he will use my sad and dark days to help others so here I am aiming to give you guidance and help on standing firm in your faith through the depression, through the anxiety, through the failed relationships, whatever happens in your life, remember the one who loves you so much he sacrificed his one and only son for you.
Remember to be grateful were far to blessed to be stressed and trust me I know how hard it is to not be stressed, stress is a huge part of my life I literally stress at everything until I remember I'm far to blessed for this to even bother me. Thanks for reading girls if you want to speak more to me about this topic email me on jessica@bibleforwomen.co.uk
Love Jessica Louise Xoxo
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